Dentures Not Fitting Right? All-on-4 Implants Can Help!
Are you tired of dentures that constantly slip? Are you restricting yourself to a diet of soft foods because of annoying or uncomfortable dentures? Do you find yourself hiding your smile or feeling self-conscious about your looks? While dentures are the right solution for some people, many adults could benefit from a more permanent dental implant solution.
There are many types of dental implants and tooth replacement options, including fixed bridge, flippers, metal partials, dentures and dental implants. At Coyne Oral Surgery, Dr. Cathleen Coyne takes the time and care to help each patient find the solution that’s appropriate for their unique circumstances and needs.
These days, many patients are opting for the permanence, durability, security, comfort, and aesthetics offered by dental implants, particularly All-on-4 dental implants. Learn more below.
Comfortable & Secure All-on-4 Dental Implants
With All-on-4 dental implants, four tooth implants are strategically placed in the gums. Next, Dr. Coyne places a full custom denture set on top of the four implants. This approach offers a number of benefits, including:
- Strong foundation for dentures, which are secured to the implanted teeth – not the gums
- Bone loss prevention, as jawbone fuses with the four titanium implants
- Suited for a lifetime of use with proper care
With a traditional dental implant surgery, patients must wait several weeks or months before they can return for the tooth replacement (e.g. a crown) to go on top of the implant. With All-on-4 dental implants, however, patients leave the office with a temporary set of dentures on top of their four titanium implants; patients then return after the implants have fully healed to receive the permanent set of dentures.
Learn More: Coyne Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center
For more information about All-on-4 dental implants and other tooth replacement options available at Coyne Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, visit or call 615-771-0017 to schedule your appointment today.
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